the pages of this Sacred Text, we see the various connections that these triads
have, which structure and compose more triads. As a result, we see triads
within other Triads, creating wholeness units (1) that move within Infinity (8)
for Creation (9).
agrees with each other through Harmony. This is proven with many mathematical
and geometrical ways presented in this Text. The charts mathematically and
arithmetically show the importance of every symbol’s specific position within
its triads as well as within the entirety of the Ellania Ethereal Script αω.
we realise the Magnificence of Creation and our creation, where the helical and
diagonal movements and unions of the triads connect us with the Truth and
Universal Memory.
the cosmic mirror of sacred geometry and mathematics, we see that everything
has been created with perfect precision for all of us, since everything exists
within us.
The entire Creation is reflected within our very own
existence. The only thing left to do is to remember who we truly are and find
our rightful position within Infinity. The creational positions of the symbols
within the αω Script will light us the way to our self-knowledge.
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